Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Finland Deceber 9

Well, its been about a million years since i posted on my blog. I go home in 2 days. I am excited, but sad at the same time. I've met alot of really cool people and I'm really going to miss them. I'm happy that the school aspect is finally over, I actually didn't do too bad grade wise. I still need to pack, and finish a paper for my literature class, but I can do that later. I can't believe I'm leaving soon. This semester has flown by. Our last study trip up to Lapland was so much fun! Definitely the best trip. So much snow, and it was so cool learning about the Sami people. I'm gonna miss Finland, but I'm not going to miss the 4 hours of sunlight per day. It gets kind of depressing when there is no sun. It'll be weird being home when the sun is still up at like 7 pm. Here it goes down at 2 pm. Well, it doesn't exactly go down, because it doesn't exactly ever come up. It just gets light outside, but you never really actually see the sun. I feel like I have learned alot here. I've practiced my spanish a little, learned alot about australia, learned how to cook, learned that money is just money and nothing important. I've really just learned alot about so many different cultures and stuff.. It has really been a rewarding trip and an amazing experience. I'm sad to be leaving all my Oulu friends behind :(

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