Monday, October 5, 2009

Finland October 5th

So I woke up to see it snowing pretty hard outside. It was cool seeing snow in October. It's not too cold outside though so the snow is kind of slushy and melting. Not very fun to walk in, my shoes are wet.

The trip to Ranua Zoo was alot of fun. The drive up was really pretty because all the trees were covered in frost so thy were all white. I saw alot of cool animals, but the reindeer were the best. On the drive back there were about 20 reindeer standing in the road and then they all ran off into the woods. It was awesome. I'll upload pictures once facebook stops being lame. I got some cool souvenirs to bring home from the zoo, and lots of chocolate. Exciting stuff.

The weekend was fun, after the zoo I had dinner with Jack and we drank a bunch of wine and sang really ridiculous songs. Then there was a party upstairs in our building so we went up there for a while and we me some really cool Finnish guys. we ended up going to their apartment and hanging out until like 630 in the morning. It was a really good night, but the next day wasn't so fun, it was raining And cold so we just stayed inside and did nothing. It w as relaxing. Well, I guess that's all for now, I leave for my study trip on Friday, and then it's on to Norway and Germany! I can't wait!!!

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