Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Finland 3

Well, i think i need to post on here more. Today was pretty good, i got up early and made breakfast (eggs, toast, milk, nutella type stuff), it was good. Finns eat lunch very very early, usually like 10 am. I didnt have much at lunch cause i was still full from breakfast. I had my last day of orientation today so that was good. I found out that I start class on friday. My first class is a Scandinavian Literature class. I am doing a Scandinavian Studies program. It'll be fun. I don't have class at all next week because there is a study trip to a research station. I'm not going on that trip though because I'm not taking the Nordic Nature and Environment course. So it'll be nice to have a week break I guess. I'll just be bored. Maybe i'll try to go somewhere? I dont know. I'll have to ask some Finns what i should do. I sent out some post cards today at the Posti. I also put some more money on my prepaid phone so thats good. I met some kids from Greensboro College today. They know some people i went to high school with so it was nice having some common ground. Tonight we are all going to a big party downtown. Its like a start of the semester kind of party. Its cool going downtown and to the university because the students wear these overalls that have a bunch of patches on them that say different things. And the overalls are different colors depending on which department you study in. I'm not sure if all of the students have them or just some because only some people wear them, but its cool because when you're downtown you can see who is a student and what department they are from (except i dont know what all the colors mean). I'll have to take a picture of some people wearing them. Right now it is raining pretty hard. THe weather has been kind of crappy since i got here, maybe its like this all the time? Its been cloudy and windy, but at least its like 70 so its not too cold. It gets maybe in the 40s at night, but it will get much colder in the winter. I'm supposed to have a roommate here, but she still isnt here? I dont know what her story is. Her bill for rent is in the mailbox though, so maybe she'll be here soon. This blog is really random and ramble-y. maybe i should try to organize it a little.. nah, thats ok. haha. sauna is really big here, i dont know if ive mentioned that yet, so i might try to go later. there is one in the apartment next to mine. i dont know if i want to just be sitting in the room all naked with other people though. so, maybe ill wear a bathing suit. i dont know if ive mentioned this either but i live in Yliopistokatu 16 (it basically means university street, i think), but its nicknamed "Club 16". Everyone here is always throwing parties and is really loud. Ill see how i like it once i have to do work and study and stuff, but right now its fun. Well, i guess ill try to organize my blog a little, and figure out how to put pictures in it...


  1. Who needs organization? your randomness is so you! So you haven't even started classes yet and you get a week break? wow

  2. haha yea, i know :) i have class friday though

  3. This is the same class that got canceled, correct? So glad I just talked to you, and I love your blog!
