Monday, September 28, 2009

September 28th

Well, the past few days have been good, nothing too exciting. Friday we had the last party in Tellervontie because everyone is moving :(.
It was alot of fun though. Today I paid for my trip to Turku, Stockholm, and Helsinki. It is during the middle of October and I'm pretty excited about it. After we get back I'm rode tripping with some people up to Nordkapp, Norway, which is the most northern place in Europe. Were stopping at some places along the way. Then, I am flying to Bremen, Germany with another American named Charles. were going to spend a few days in Germany and go see Berlin. Then at the end of October I am going to go to St. Petersburg with the ESN. This is why October will henceforth be known as Triptober. I can't wait, it's going to be alot of fun! I have one more class today and then I'm done for the day so that's good. I'm going to get all signed up for my Russia trip later. The visa is most expensive for Americans, it sucks. It's 125€ and everyone else only has to pay like 45€. Oh well, thank you scholarship. Well, I don't know what else to write right now so I'll write more once something exciting happens.

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