Sunday, September 13, 2009

Finland, September 13

Well, I havent posted in a couple days so here goes. I'm sick, so that sucks. Yesterday my throat started hurting and then by the night i was a little sniffly, and now I just woke up and feel worse, my head hurts a little. But i guess its good that I dont have class for a week so i can just lay in bed. I finally spoke with Kevin about coming to copenhagen but he said its not a good week so maybe I'll go for fall break if im not going somewhere else.

I went to the Alko the other day, which was kind of fun. I think its hilarious that I can buy alcohol here. I just got a bottle of sparkling wine, but I dont know when ill drink it because we've been going out like every single night. We went to a place last night called Kantis. It was ok. The music was pretty shitty and it was more of a pub then a club, but it was fun, the beer and stuff was cheap. I had an early night (like 2am) so that was nice. I think once everyone has class and assignments and stuff that the partying will calm down a little. I dont mind it too much though cause I dont really do it at home so its a nice change of pace i guess.

The other night Paivi (shes one of the other kummis) had us over for dinner and to play singstar. It was really fun. Her house is like a cat paradise. She had this column installed and covered it with rope so the cats could climb on it. She also had a zipline in the backyard and the cats had harnesses and they would just go run around in the backyard. It was so cool. Gambit needs one. It was nice getting to play with her cats cause i really miss Gambit :(

I found the Botanical Gardens the other day too. The university owns them and they have all kinds of cool plants and stuff in there. I need to go check them out cause I think it would be fun. But they're shaped like pyramids and they are named Romeo and Juliet. Its really cute :) I have had alot of fun just riding my bike around and seeing different stuff. Today I went to a burger place and got the biggest hamburger i have ever seen in my life. I should have taken a picture of it cause it was huge. it was delicious though. On the way I passed a big lake and I took some pictures. There are also mushrooms everywhere here so I've been taking some pictures of them too. It is really beautiful here. I cant wait until it snows so then i can get some more awesome pictures :)

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