Thursday, September 24, 2009

Finland September 24th

Wow, Ok, its been over a week, hopefully I can remember all the interesting stuff that has happened recently. It shouldn't be too hard, I'll just go through all the pictures from the past week. And here we go..well, I think the past week has just been a string of parties for the most part. I had the whole week off, and I spent most of it sleeping and feeling sick (im still not quite better, but hopefully soon). Also, like four days ago now I pinched a nerve or something because I havent had complete feeling in my pinky and ring finger of my left hand since. Its pretty annoying, im hoping it will go away soon. We had a spaghetti party at Giuseppe's house which was alot of fun. We also had a pajama party, and a birthday party for 3 different people. The cops showed up to that one. But it was at like 3 am so most everyone was getting ready to go anyways. I went downtown recently and took alot of pictures of the city (see snapfish or facebook). It is really beautiful down there because it is right on the water. We also went to the beach but it started pouring rain when we got there so the pictures were kinda dark and gloomy. We all had a nice bike ride back in the rain though (perhaps this is why im still not better). I also read a book this week, "From Finland, With Love". Its about finnish culture and stuff like that but it is a really funny book. The guy who wrote it is actually German.

On Monday I started classes. My history class sucks, its so boring and its all over the place so I have no idea how the timeline goes or anything. She'll talk about Denmark for a while and then switch to Norway or Sweden, so its really hard to follow. No one really knows whats going on in there. My music class is really cool though. We talked about traditional finnish music and Sami music. The Sami are like these indigenous finnish that live in the far north. They have a style of singing called a yoik. It is just syllables and sounds and you kind of chant it. It sounds really beautiful I think. (they have it on youtube) We sang some in class, it was pretty cool. We also learned how to play the Kantele, which is a traditional finnish instrument that has 5 strings and you pluck them like a guitar. That was alot of fun. I really like my language class too. We learned basic stuff like "My name is.. " "How are you?" .. all that stuff. I need to review it though cause its pretty hard. Mitä kuuluu means "How are you?" and Mina olen Meagan. Its pretty interesting, i like it. Well, thats all I can think to write right now. I go to the zoo the weekend of the 3rd (seafood fest :( ) so that will be fun.

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