Sunday, September 6, 2009


So, I'm in Finland finally. This has been my third day here. The weather isn't too bad yet, about 60 during the day and maybe 40 at night. Last night was really cold and I don't think I had enough layers on. My first day here was busy, I had to go get a student card from the university, sign my lease, get internet hooked up, buy a phone..and some other things. Yesterday we went and bought bikes. Everyone here bikes and not many people have cars so its pretty much the only way to get around town. There is good public transportation too, but most people ride the bus when it starts to get cold. I feel like Ive been here for a week because I've done so much. Last night we went out to a club called Amarillo. It was interesting because right when you walk in the door there is a roulette table. Upstairs was like a restaurant, and downstairs was a bar and club. The music was all American, so that was pretty cool. They played Thunderstruck, Disturbia, Push it.. and a bunch of other stuff that i recognized. A fight broke out like right next to us and we got pushed around a little but it wasn't too bad. The guys were actually fighting because one guy had pushed us and the other guy got mad because he had bought some drinks for the girls i was with. So, it was nice that he was sticking up for us. I did laundry today which was kind of a disaster, unfortunately. My new Victoria's secret bra got ruined in the washer, so i went ahead and ordered a new one and got it sent to thomas's house. I turned my white sweater slightly blue, so ill have to get bleach. but i guess it wasn't too bad. the machine was all in Finnish so maybe i did something wrong and that's why my bra got ruined, idk. Oh well, not a big deal. Ive taken lots of pictures so far. I'm kind of excited for the snow, even though it will be super cold! my apartment is pretty cool. i have my own room with a desk, dresser and bed. there is a kitchen and bathroom and then another room. I'm supposed to have a roommate but she isn't here yet so idk. the bathroom is interesting because the shower isn't its own separate thing. there is just a shower head and a drain on the floor but the shower is level with the floor under the toilet so, idk, its different, but there is at least a curtain to keep everything from getting wet. i still need to find a transformer so i can use my hair dryer and stuff. ill have to do that tomorrow though because most stores are closed on sunday. so far im having a pretty good time here. Ive met alot of other international students. they re from France, Italy, Germany, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Russia, china, japan, Mexico, and Australia. so that's really cool to learn about other countries too. im a little homesick but i guess i wont be gone for too long. Europe is definitely alot different from America. they are very conscious of the environment here. they pay you to recycle, and the lights in the hallway turn off after 5 minutes or so and then you have to press a switch to get them to turn back on. well, i don't know what else i feel like saying right now. i might go hang out with some people soon or something.


  1. everything you said sounds like Denmark. weather, bikes, public transport, the club, the bathroom/shower, the 240V hairdryer exploding outlets, the homesick, the recycling, the lights... you are practically in copenhagen haha

  2. I don't think they pay you to recycle. I presume it's more of a refund considering they tax the hell out of you to begin with.
