Thursday, September 10, 2009

Finland 4

Well, I keep discovering differences between Finland and the US. I noticed that the milk and eggs and everything dont last very long before they expire and i thought that was kind of strange. Apparently the milk here isnt pasteurized, its all fresh, so it only lasts like a week. They do have pasteurized milk, but its not as common, and when its in the store it isnt refrigerated. The eggs arent refrigerated either, so maybe thats why they dont last that long. The people in Finland are so friendly. Its really nice. I cant tell you how many random Finns have just started having a conversation with me about anything. I met a few at Vulcanalia last night and we were talking about Jagermeister and the 56 herbs that are in it and we were talking about germany and clubs in Oulu. It was funny.

So last night we all went to Vulcanalia. Its this kind of venue where they have bands I guess, or maybe the band was just there for last night. But it was a big start of the semester party. It was alot of fun, but it was really cold cause it was outside.
There was a big building you could go upstairs in though and everyone was dancing up there. That was fun. I noticed that uhh.. well, I know plenty of guys who do like, slightly gay things and just joke about being gay, but Finns take their gay jokes like.. way too far hah. I saw one guy practically humping another dude on a table and like dancing all up on him, but they were laughing and joking around. It was interesting. The Finns dance really funny sometimes so I dont feel so bad about being a shitty dancer.

So i went to the sauna yesterday and it was AMAZING. It was just really relaxing, i almost fell asleep in there. I think it is going to be really nice in the winter. I'm excited to see some snow and everything. I have a week off of class next week so i might try to do some traveling or something. I could go north to lapland and see the ruska (changing of the leaves) or i was thinking about going to see kevin in Copenhagen if i could find a cheap plane ticket or something. I dont know yet, i havent really started planning anything. I definitely want to do some traveling while im here though. I found out yesterday about my class schedule so that was good. And ill have about 11 days in Finland after classes end before i go home so that will be good :) If i really want to stay a little longer i may push my plane ticket back, but I'm definitely going home for Christmas to see my Thomas!!! Well, I'm about to go shopping with Lea and Joana (they're from France and Portugal, respectively). Maybe I'll post again today.

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